$35,000 Matching Donation

October 14, 2021

Thanks to a Fins Attached Donor, with you help, we can turn $35,000 into $70,000.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world”

Support our cutting-edge research on the association of highly migratory endangered marine species to seamounts in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, hot spots for hammerheads. Funds will be used to specifically support a team of selected researchers from the region and who have worked in cooperative partnerships with Fins Attached over the years.

When you make your gift to Fins Attached, you’re joining a community that’s on the front lines of the fight to save sharks, helping to secure a future these animals might otherwise never have. Join us by making a tax-deductible gift today, sharks are counting on you.

We are seeing DOUBLE. Double your IMPACT Dollars and let’s turn $35,000 into $70,000 to save sharks and other endangered marine animals.

Increasing impact, on a scale bigger than we could have imagined.